Monday, August 11, 2014

jump a bump

~backwards, the great divide i cross
detour to dark, a hole in chains
half of a heart, words are lost

fading dreams i shout to swear
storms hit the sea, do i drown?
a wall there, my quiet wail, pray i dare?

downward, steps then spiral, faith far from up
trip in terror, web of lies no end?
signs, life, tunnel, light- jump


A dead man can't jump. But if your alive, you have a shot at squeezing everything you can out of your life. For the past seven months, my life has looked like this....


Sometimes life has a way of disrupting the most carefully laid plans. You feel used up and the pieces of  your life are scattered in every direction. Where is God and is He some maniacal bomb maker who has went atomic on us? In my months of bumps, I was sent in a tail spin, running for cover, cradled in a blanket of a grey unsettling smoke. And maybe I was blinded and unable to clearly see His plan.  The car, the house, money, your career, your talents and your friends can be blown to bits in order for God to start over on a broken and better us. What do you do when you feel empty with nothing left to give?



What if we were moved to jump by FAITH in both the good and bad times of life? Or do you choose to do what I did? During this bumpy, frenzied phase of my life, I was held in check by the perpetual droppings of my own personal load of DUNG. Like a bump on my languishing log, I made the choice to take no leaps of faith. My faith was sluggish and I became paralyzed by my bumps. A lazy sloth shot with a tranquiler gun would have moved faster than I did. During my rocky months of bumps, I learned a few things. I found out that these bumps of life never leave and they can be big or small. I also discovered that some of the same bumps will stick around for months.  And yes, it's no secret that everyone seems to know your business. Your bumps are put on blast for everyone to see and get more magnified when your know it all neighbor singes your nostrils like a hyena with halitosis. They swear to God that they have all the right answers. The unwanted chatter keeps throttling your eardrum from across the fence like an eagle in crazy heat. The constant chirping of meddling mouths tempted me to offer a strategically placed strip of duck tape so that I could suffer in silence. 


How often is it that we get caught off guard without our jumping shoes on? Don't we get it? Lumps, bumps and bruises will happen. Through these last seven months, I have learned to"live in jump mode."I have become a, "frogman of faith", transformed by the tender kiss of a God who wants nothing but my best long jump during my fight in the perilous battlefield. I am sitting on my cozy lily pad, continually suited with sneakers that are laced to the top. I rest and lie in wait for the next moment I get to show God just how far I can jump. When my chance comes, He will be watching as I rise high, jumping above the temporary traps and hurdles of life. He will sit back in amusement as I land on my feet. And when I don't, I will trust in the grace of God to get me through each tough bump of life. Get ready for some action, brace yourself and Jump a Bump.

I am a Jumper in Training

Note~ Those who enjoy your favorite cup of whatever, I am introducing Mug Moments. These are thoughts that have helped me through.


when you drink, drink.


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