Tuesday, April 2, 2013



As many of you know I have a Great Pyrenees named Polar and my wife recently shared a story on Facebook about how our big fur ball of love reminded us of the Lord's love and sacrifice for us. On the Saturday morning before Easter my wife rescued Polar from an eight foot thorn branch that was attached to his back.(Polar's hair and thorns below) Imagine having to carry that around for a while. Because of this wonderful story it made sense to share with you one of my first writings. I hope you enjoy it.

I was inspired to name this bear of a dog from the Christmas commercial where the big polar bears are drinking Coca Cola and sliding down the snow hill. This stunningly beautiful dog has two noticeable attributes. He has a thick white coat and a huge majestic head. The first time I saw him, he stood head and shoulders above the other puppies. He was the pick of the litter. Anytime I take him out in public, he is almost always the center of attention.
 In Jack Trout's book "Differentiate or Die." he states that in order for a company to survive and be successful it must accent the characteristics of their product. By being different, this allows the company to separate itself from the other competition. What does the term "being different" really mean and does it even matter? Let's look at this from the human perspective. There is more than meets the eye when it comes to what makes a person stand out from the rest. If you desire to separate yourself in this roughly contested marketplace of life or business then you will need a positive ATTITUDE. You need to believe in who you are. Attitude determines Altitude. If you have a desire to be a leader and you want others to stand up and take notice, then you will have to become"the big white dog."
Just like the dog who leads the pack, a person's vision is most important when determining the journey for those who will follow. The day I picked Polar up, the other puppies were gathered around him like little chicks to a mother hen. When I set foot in his yard, he knew that I was there. He had excellent vision and nothing escaped his watchful eye. 
Frozen in time is the story of a lovable loser named Charlie Brown. He was a reluctant leader who failed at almost everything he did. But Charlie Brown had vision. Upon picking a small and pitiful tree for the school Nativity play, all of Charlie's friends began to poke fun at his seemingly foolish choice. With excitement, Charlie attempts to hang a bulb on the small branch, but the weight of the ornament is too heavy and the tree slowly droops over to the side. Later, Charlie's friends realize their insensitivity and come to his rescue. With Charlie Brown feeling down on himself, Linus gently places his security blanket around the runt of a tree. The tree is then decorated to perfection.


 I depend on vision and attitude with everything that I do and I love how the Lord is always there to offer that blanket of security whenever I don't feel so sure of myself. In the most simple of terms, He's got me covered. When I walk into a room I am confident in who the Lord has made me to be. How I look, what I say and what I do is all under the direction of the Lord's presence. When it comes to presence, Jesus is my prime example of what that truly means. Presence is the most important attribute that any leader can possess. Jesus cast a big spirit shadow of self-assurance that lit up every room that He entered. He was "the big white dog." Many non- believers said that Jesus wasn't born to the proper linage and that He didn't have all of the right credentials. But you can be sure that when Jesus walked into a room, all eyes were cast on His royal presence. Don't be afraid to live life with your own personal style and flare. You are royal and you can stand up and stand out with a saintly presence, casting a spirit shadow on those who need a leader. You can be "THE BIG WHITE DOG."


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I couldn’t seem to find an email. And I was hoping to ask you a question about your dog?
