It has been said that "LIFE'S A STAGE." On my stage I have dedicated life and career to four unshakable and lasting things. I sing for the Father, my loving family, true friends and my loyal fans. And yes, I do have a few fans and I am thankful for each and every one of them. The world is constantly shifting and becoming increasingly unstable and lately we have been reminded just how precious life really is. I sing the praises of every person who through earth-shattering diversity somehow finds the will to dig their way out of trouble and fight for life. How could I as an artist just stand by and watch as the world held out it's hurting hand.
I have a major problem with those artists who seem to be oblivious to real life around them. They stink up the stage with a lack of respect for themselves and others. We have to change our direction and change our tune on music row. Some labels are forced to do damage control because their hedonistic hummingbirds continue to strike sour notes with the fan base. I am aware that not ever recording artist can be a role model but the real fans know when someone is "faking the funk on a nasty dunk." The pedestal of pride on which the arrogant and ungrateful artist stands will rot from the weight of being that self-inflated pig who has gotten fat from feeding off of their bloated ego.
Let's do a little exercise. Imagine yourself being a different person than who you are right now. I did and I hated who I was. Here is what the song of a "spoiled sourpuss" sounds like. (The language is sour too.)
"My sourpuss song plays on and on, and so do I. The world is my toy and I don't wanna hear your cry for help, but continue to play a game of "twitter tag, your hit." Hey, and read my gossip, you know I'm the shit. What, leave all this? NO NO, I would have to sell that million dollar car and then catch a cab. I need to be toasted and then pay that thousand dollar beer tab. Walk away from this glam? Damn, I can't afford that. I would move down the Fortune Five Hundred list. If I lost that, I would be pissed. People, I can't afford to care, I am too busy getting my massage and manicure. I need that dress from the fancy boutique, I can't wear my heart on a sleeve. I can't be your awe-inspiring muse, I'm too busy singing the sourpuss blues."
Living AZ God created me to be is a hard goal to reach. I strive on a daily basis to stay grounded while rising to whatever musical heights He has for me. Until I draw my last singing breath I will faithfully challenge myself and other artist to be responsible for the actions we take. Life is surely a stage and the fans are watching. Just Shut up and sing. Calling all sourpusses! "Stop complaining about the posh existence that the fans have graced you with." I call it "take the cheese and run mentality." Too many singers are strutting around the rat race, never taking a minute to realize the true value of what it means to shine. One of the very first songs I ever learned was "this little light of mine." Nowhere in this song does it talk about "this fancy car of mine or this big ring of mine." Undeniable talent will always outlast the fast, expensive car. The shine is nice but it won't last for long.
Fading from view is the circus monkey with a microphone who smashes it's symbols with a frantic attempt to serenade anyone who will listen. The fans have gotten tired of the silly little routine from artists who tip toe around like bandits soaking up the spotlight while their "singing the sourpuss blues."
shootings~economic crisis~bombings~tornadoes~ war~violence~hunger~rest~love~heroes~teacher
shootings~economic crisis~bombings~tornadoes~ war~violence~hunger~rest~love~heroes~teacher
(I love you Oklahoma)
wrap me in echoes of your tune
sweet is the rapid beat
the heart moves me to swoon
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