Dear Readers,
I have decided to write a book in blog form. The topic will be on the Second Coming of Christ. Don't ask how I think it's possible for me to write a book this way. I just feel inspired to write my thoughts down and see what happens. The title of the book will be called
I have decided to write a book in blog form. The topic will be on the Second Coming of Christ. Don't ask how I think it's possible for me to write a book this way. I just feel inspired to write my thoughts down and see what happens. The title of the book will be called
Here I go!!!!
Chapter 1
Hello World
What would happen if Christ came down to modern day earth for a short, fly by the seat of His holy pants visit? Maybe He would say something like, "Hello World. You need to get ready because I am coming back soon!" How would the world respond? Let's just pretend He came down to check on things and to make one last alter call before the big day.
A walk down Wall Street!
In the center of the trading room floor on Wall Street, a stirring voice like no other vibrates across the noisy and crowded room. Like a loud speaker echoing sacred instructions, the sound travels from the lips of the loving Messiah. With watchful eyes the muffled multitude give way to a figure dressed in a plain white robe. The floor is in silent shock as Jesus speaks.
"Take everything that you have and give it all to me." Give me your bombs, your power, your wealth, the fame, your priesthood, the church, your sin, your dreams, the minds that you create with, your family, your future and your world. Give me your sin forsaken lives." Thus saith the Lord.
"Take everything that you have and give it all to me." Give me your bombs, your power, your wealth, the fame, your priesthood, the church, your sin, your dreams, the minds that you create with, your family, your future and your world. Give me your sin forsaken lives." Thus saith the Lord.
For the past few years I have been contemplating on the promise of Christ's return and how this impacts my daily walk with Him. As a young Christian I usually thought of the second coming in very simplistic terms. What will the return of Christ look like and what happens to those who aren't ready? In regards to this approaching day, I have let my imagination go wild like a rat on a running wheel. From the far reaching recesses of my mind I keep telling myself that I have to be ready for His return. I am reminding myself to look up for that blessed matrimonial moment when the bride will meet her GLORIOUS GROOM for the first time. And what about those who aren't ready? On the day of Jesus' second coming I have pictured one unsuspecting soul frantically stuffing every valuable he can into one measly bag. A lost soul making one last ditch effort to grab his gold.
Then I thought of another side to the story. What is it about those who feel led to blurt out the actual day of Jesus return? Imagine His patience when it comes to the ignorance of misguided men. Haven't we learned that any feeble attempt to proclaim the day of His coming causes a stench that rises to the high Heavens? This is heresy that irritates the all-knowing nostrils of the only one who already knows the day and time. In short, it stinks. It is loosey goosey false teaching that stands on sinking sand and not on the Solid Rock of His promise. There have been too many second coming soothsayers who have tried to predict the return of Christ. Harold Camping from California proclaimed that it would happen on May 21, 2011. This poor man was so off with his prophecy that he got his dates wrong twice. This man had a limited cockeyed vision regarding this very special day. So with this in mind, I will carefully dodge the so-called doomsday predictions and avoid such foolish foreshadowing.
But I do wonder what it was like when Jesus came down to earth the first time around. Everyone knows how this story goes. He was the son of a meek carpenter named Joseph and born from a virgin mother named Mary. His entrance was all but kingly and the journey of this carpenter's life would bring the anointed message about the riches of His grace. And in the sharing of this living gospel, Jesus' words gave life and hope to the lowly. Many would trust in Him as the Christ. In doing so, they were persecuted and killed by the Romans, thus paying the ultimate price to follow their King.
On the other hand, high society offered a direct opposition to Jesus while strutting in their white robes of ridicule and proclaiming their rightful seat on the throne.
Many religious leaders held in high regard rejected Jesus solely on the merits of sinful arrogance and deadly rituals. I mean deadly because these rituals would someday lead to the crucifixion of Christ. The spikes used to nail Jesus on the cross were symbols of a worldly wedge that were used by Satan to strategically drive fear and spiritual misery into the people of God. And on the day of His death, the vexed crowd gave a rebellious shout,"Jesus, you will never be our king." The world of wealth and the laying up of religious works had crucified Jesus. On this day, religion was puffed up with pride and for the good of man, self was perched high on a pedestal. On the first time around, religious pharisees wanted to live high on the temple hog and wanted no part in serving the lowly one called Jesus. With so much suffering and torment I wonder if Jesus would do it all over again?
Malachi 3:6 says, "I am the Lord, I change not."I believe He would preach, cast out devils, heal the sick and raise the dead. He would be the same radiant miracle man from Galilee who was predestined to be crucified by His own people. He would confound the wise and chastise the money changers in the temple. If He had to do it all over again, every single step He took through this lonely journey would remain the same. His goal will forever be to tell us that the riches of His grace are all that we will ever need. Just Jesus. And because He is a God of love and forgiveness, He remains patient with us. Does this sound familiar? I think about the rich man and what happened when he met Jesus. "What must I do to be saved." the rich man asked? Then Jesus says, "sell all that you have and follow me."
No other gods before Me
Jesus is saying, Give all of your gold tipped sandals away to the shoeless, walk back to me in your bare feet and then follow me. Of course the rich young ruler walked away with sadness. This leads me back to my "what if" story about Jesus going to Wall Street and saying, "Give it all to me. If Jesus pulled this supernatural stunt today, Chaos would ensue and a rash of hellish hysteria would break out like mumps on a crazed monkey. So why mention a made up story about Jesus going to Wall Street?
The first and the last time!!!!
I know two simple truths that have guided me my entire Christian life. The World Hates Christ more than ever and this will remain true until the end of time. And lastly, you can bet that Jesus will never be crucified again. A earthly vessel once weak and bruised has long since vanished as He walks across the Heavens. The Christ, with His side once ripped open with a spear now sits in unblemished form on the right hand of the Father. Never again will He be humiliated and left to hang in a bloody shame. While gasping in brutal death, His beloved Mary looked on with grief stricken breath. A defiant and a steadfast disbelief racked the minds of those who cast their devilish gaze upon her dying son. On this dreaded day He would only lay down His Heavenly body once. And as the darkness swallowed the earth and held it in breathless suspense, His power began to shake the foundation of a Christ forsaken world. In Hell's death, Jesus would soon live again to reign over Heaven and Earth.
The old earth will pass away.
Barely standing in the remnants of His rapture I see an old worn out fence burdened by the multitude of its faithless straddlers. The time for choosing sides is now over and the earth will have its first true close encounter of the third kind. The earth and all of its creation will see the all in one Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Time for true repentance and conversion will be too late. Giving to Jesus will be useless and the righteous Christ will rule the world with a rod of judgement. Suddenly, I hear the sound of destruction and all earthly things are gone. The Godless stand alone, no longer held in Jesus loving hand but gripped by the God of wrath. Lavished in love, the robe of Christ dazzles with a wave of radiant luster. Dressed in the splendid array of Heaven's best, the faithless stand before Him with nail in hand. Woe to the wicked who are held captive and forever defeated. On the second time around all of creation will bow in lowly adoration.
"The Christ light illuminating the dusk, and away with bowing at the feet of mere dust."
On this the second time around, Jesus wont be coming as a lowly lamb but will rule with a thunderous roar as the wolves of wall street will be devoured, no longer feasting on their cuisine of contempt. On the second time around, the praises of His saints will sound off as they dine on the supreme highness of the Master Chef. The lost echoes of Eden will ring for the long awaited reunion.
The clouds will burst with joy as creation gives way to the supreme deity who has overcome death. No more sitting in green pastures with flocks of sheep grazing nearby. The Sunday school lesson will be over and sin will be struck down with the hand of His swift correction. The world's peace will stand teetering on a tight rope of sin as fallen humanity starts its descent to judgement. Like a bat out of Hell, Satan rushes to deceive all who will believe a lie. Heaven responds with haste and the Holy Spirit stirs. The beloved beings shout with ecstasy as a great tablecloth is spread and the finishing touches are complete. With one single nod, Jesus commands the angels to move. All of Heaven comes down to earth flashing beams of light across the sky as Gabriel slowly raises the trumpet. In one immaculate moment the end of an imperfect earth begins. The trumpet sounds a salute and gives way to "the Mighty Wind. " A united song is proclaimed. "We sing, Glory oh God."
Christ is coming. No dates included.
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