Thursday, February 14, 2013

MY LOVE LIST(ten thoughts on 10ve)


How could I write anything unique about love that hasn't already been written? If you know me at all then you understand that I am a man who likes to go beyond the boundaries of creativity. Here is a top ten I created on "love having no limit." I wish you much LOVE on Valentine's Day.

10. Love is most beautiful when hate rears it's ugly head.

9.  A man or woman's love is transparent and race is invisible to the heart.

8.  I heard some say love stinks. No, love sticks... tiny, sticky, peanut butter and jelly fingers touching your face. 

7.  Love's true knock comes by opening the door to loving yourself first.

6.  The kid in you.(do this for the person you love) Find out what their favorite toy was as a child and surprise them with it. Write a note that says, "i love the kid in you!"

5.  Love and forgive your neighbor and then offer to cut his grass.

4   Cook your favorite five coarse meal in the whole world and include dessert. Wrap it up and go give it to a homeless person.

3.   Spoil Spot-Lavish Leo. Your dog or cat loves and enjoys your company. Your time with
them is short so take advantage of every minute with your furry fidos and felines. I do.

2.   My parents are my HEROES. My dad is Superman and my mom is Wonder Woman. Love them as such.

1.   Take off running with an unbridled joy into the arms of God and know that your proud poppa beamed with joy on the day you were born. He loves you with no limit. 

note: feel free to leave a comment. What is on your list of love?


  1. That's nice brother.

  2. Love having no limit to me is a mother and father who have been at the bedside of their very sick child since the beginning of feb, casting all their care to him and forgetting their own, and being able to find humor in the midst of fear.

  3. These are not my words but no by intention I started a new book yesterday on valentines day and this was the wisdom I read yesterday.....We cannot unaffected by love. We are most alive when we find it, most devasted when we lose it, most empty when we give upon it, most inhumane when we betray it, and most passionate when we pursue it. And this.....We are created to know God and to know love. It is love that moves God toward us and love that pulls us toward him. Follow love and it will guide you to god. ( and this is my words and when you are guided to god, you will also be guided to yourself and your own idenity) I believe that and that is what I cast my hope knowing love I know god, in knowing god I know love, and then I hope to deeply know me. Thanks, kyndl # 7 was my favorite

    1. #7 is my fav too Beth.Self-Love is a challenge for anybody. Maybe we just don't feel worthy. I'm glad He makes it right.

  4. The problems that others face are inestimable. You can pray, as I do, that their fears, pains, and losses are lessened because there is a force in the universe created by your pleas to God. Your prayers, I believe, stoke the fires of love to create this universal force. If everyone took the time to make his or her own pleas to God, the force would be strong enough to heal the world. Go out of your way every day to brighten someone's existence. Go away from your comfort zone once a day to help someone who is in need. The rewards far outweigh the small efforts put forth.

    1. It's so true. If we cleaned our little dark corner from all the personal junk then we could probably be in better shape to shed some light. I charge myself to do as you said.
