Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I don't have a taste for onions at all. YUCK! In the early years of my life my taste buds were jumping and I would eat just about anything. Then I met Mr. Onion. Momma tried her best to convince me that onions tasted good but she never won that argument. I hate them to this day. I remember hearing one story of a passenger on the Carnival Cruise ship who said they were forced to eat onion sandwiches to survive during their crisis as seas. If it came down to life or death, I would choose onion breath over having no breath at all. It got me to thinking about my own survival and how I deal with the problems of life.


When life gives me an onion I pray and peel for hidden layers of growth and strength to deal with it. 

It is always easy to digest the good things of life when they come along. What happens when you come face to face when something that is not so appetizing? One day your cruising along with your tasty cuisine and the next your stomach is turning from the reality of life. Life can change in an instant. Let's use a pizza as an example. Your hungry so you decide to call a favorite pizza joint and order a supreme with everything on it. With excitement you begin to visualize that first mouth-watering bite and you just can't wait to sink your teeth into the perfect pizza. You hear a knock at the door and rush with money in hand. You take the box to the table where napkins and soda are carefully laid out. You open the box and jump back in disgust because you forgot to tell them to hold the ANCHOVIES. You hate anchovies. How do you deal with life when things seems perfect but then comes the surprise?

Dealing with the diet of life is full of surprises and the menu can be somewhat of a mystery. You never know when the onion sandwich will come your way and when the chewing begins it is always hard to swallow. The list of recipes are very familiar to all of us. The car broke down and it's a budget buster. Family is blind to your existence with no reunion in sight. to You get sick and stuck with medical bills. No promotion at work. The girl or guy of your dreams finally gives you the answer you didn't want to hear. The new business renders one dollar as it hangs in a picture frame collecting dust on your darkened wall of dreams. There is hope. Let the feast begin.

There are many rocks on the road of life and feeding on a steady diet of disappointments only weakens my grip during that hard climb to my destiny. I have decided a long time ago to be a rock climber and not a slop diner. I refuse be found lying down, muddling through my slop of sorrow. You can all rise to become the climber that God intended us to be. Take your seat at the table. The SUPERNATURAL CHEF is waiting for you with apron on. He is ready to serve you a magnificent morsel that will raise you to HEIGHTS unknown. I will eat and enjoy the harvest of His blessings. No onions please.



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